
All Synthetic Challenge 3 datasets are available on this page. Industry datasets will not be posted.

The intervals for each Division are not the same.

  • Division 1: Real-Time Market with 8-hour look ahead -- 8 0.25-hour periods, 8 0.5-hour periods, 2 1-hour periods
  • Division 2: Day-Ahead Market with 48-hour look ahead -- 48 1-hour periods
  • Division 3: Week-Ahead Advisory with 7-day (168-hour) look ahead -- 42 4-hour periods.

All time periods are given in hours. 

Ch2-MoM uses the 84 synthetic scenarios used by the Challenge 2 Final Event, available on the Challenge 2 Dataset page (C2_Final)

Members of approved Challenge teams may submit algorithms to the GO Competition Platform’s Sandbox using the Sandbox datasets described on the Challenge Datasets page. To participate in an Event, the team leader must also submit Team and Individual Registration documentation from the leader's Account (login) page for approval by ARPA-E. Teams need to reconstitute themselves for each Challenge.

If you do not see the blue Submit button and submissions are OPEN (see Sandbox page), you are not part of an approved Team.

All Synthetic Challenge 1 datasets are available on this page.

Industry datasets will not be posted.

The Real-Time datasets used with Divisions 1 and 3 contained information that could be used as a starting point. The Offline datasets used will Divisions 2 and 4 were missing that information.

All Synthetic Challenge 2 datasets are available on this page.

Industry datasets will not be posted.

Unlike Challenge 1, a given scenario is the same for all 4 Divisions.

C3 Events

Event 1


Download the E1 Sandbox datasets (312.5 MB) released February 14, 2023. It contains 257 scenarios comprised of 8 network models consisting of  3-, 14-, 37-, 73-, 600-, 1576-, 4200- and 6049-buses from the S0 and S1 datasets, with variations on load profiles. No industry dataset was used for Event 1.

Each E1 network model in this set consists of multiple scenarios, each with 3 files (771 total files):

  1. scenario_nnn.json contains the problem input data,
  2. scenario_nnn.json.pop_solution.json contains a feasible solution file produced by the POP (Prior Operating Point) program for this scenario, and
  3. scenario_nnn.json.popsolution.log, the output from the Evaluation program that calculates the objective ("z") from the solution file. If positive and feasible, this will be the score for the scenario.

The solutions produced by the Prior Operating Point (POP) program are not intended to be anywhere near optimal. Their purpose is to demonstrate that feasible solutions do exist and what a valid solution file would look like. The E1 results demonstrate that positive feasible solutions are possible for every scenario (see the Best results in column E). See the Event 1 Leaderboard for more results.

Specify dataset=E1.1 in submission.conf

Event 2


The E2 Sandbox datasets released May 10, 2023 are available as three downloads (one for each Division): C3E2D1 (65 MB); C3E2D2 (320 MB); and C3E2D3 (245 MB). Together they contain 148 scenarios comprised of 7 network models consisting of  73-, 617-, 1576-, 2000-, 4224-, 6049-, and 6717-buses from the S0, S1 and S2 datasets, with variations on load profiles. The 6708-bus network is an industry dataset and is not included in the download but is available for use in the Sandbox, although results returned will be limited to the objective value produced by the Evaluation program. The 6708-bus dataset makes use of the "additional_shunt" feature described on page 15 of the Data Format document.

Each E2 network model in this set consists of multiple scenarios, each with 3 files as in E1:

  1. scenario_nnn.json contains the problem input data,
  2. scenario_nnn.json.pop_solution.json contains a feasible solution file produced by the POP (Prior Operating Point) program for this scenario, and
  3. scenario_nnn.json.popsolution.log, the output from the Evaluation program that calculates the objective ("z") from the solution file. If positive and feasible, this will be the score for the scenario.

The solutions produced by the Prior Operating Point (POP) program are not intended to be anywhere near optimal. Their purpose is to demonstrate that feasible solutions do exist and what a valid solution file would look like.


A requirement on problem data that the penalty coefficients on certain soft constraints be strictly positive has been added to the Problem Formulation. These constraints are bus real and reactive power balance, line apparent power flow limits, multi-interval energy production and consumption limits, and reserve balance constraints on regulation down, regulation up, synchronized reserve, non-synchronized reserve, ramping reserve down, ramping reserve up, reactive power reserve down, and reactive power reserve up. This requirement is posted in the May 15, 2023 version of the Problem Formulation document, and the change is mentioned in the change log item for May 15, 2023. The data checker code in C3DataUtilities now checks for positivity of these coefficients and reports an error if they are not positive. Two public datasets, the E2 2000- and 6717-bus systems released May 10, do not meet this positivity requirement and therefore fail the current data checker. We have modified these datasets by setting the relevant coefficients equal to 1 ($/pu-h), and the modified datasets pass the data checker. Download the (5/15/2023) E2.1 Sandbox datasets (276 MB) with the updated 2000- and 6717-bus systems.

Specify dataset=E2.1 in submission.conf

Event 3

Due to its size, the (06/29/2023) E3.1 Sandbox datasets come in 3 files: Division 1 (28 datasets, 124 MB), Division 2 (41 datasets, 171 MB), and Division 3 (28 datasets, 106 MB).

The Division 1 network models are C3E3N00617D1, C3E3N01576D1, C3E3N04224D1, C3E3N06049D1, C3E3N06717D1, C3E3N08316D1, and C3E3N23643D1. UPDATE: The 6/29/2023 version of the Division 1 zip file was missing 3 datasets (scenarios 146, 147, and 148). The updated Division 1 file (31 datasets, 136 MB) from 6/6/2024, has all the Division 1 datasets.

The Division 2 network models are C3E3N00073D2, C3E3N00617D2, C3E3N01576D2, C3E3N04224D2, C3E3N06049D2, C3E3N08316D2, and C3E3N23643D2.

The Division 3 network models are C3E3N00073D3,  C3E3N00617D3, C3E3N01576D3, C3E3N04224D3, C3E3N06049D3, C3E3N08316D3, and C3E3N23643D3.

The industry network, C3E3N06708D[1|2|3], is not available for download but may be run in the Sandbox. See the E3 Leaderboard for the list of all scenarios.

Each network model consists of one or more scenarios each with 3 JSON files:

  1. scenario_nnn.json contains the problem input data,
  2. scenario_nnn.json.pop_solution.json contains a feasible solution file produced by the POP (Prior Operating Point) program for this scenario, and
  3. scenario_nnn.json.popsolution.log, the output from the Evaluation program that calculates the objective ("z") from the solution file. This will be the score for the scenario.

Specify dataset=E3.1 in submission.conf

Event 4

The 591 synthetic Challenge 3 Event 4 datasets from 9 network models (3.6 GB total) are downloadable from the table below; the 39 industry datasets (grand total of 630) are not available. Each dataset consists of 3 files; scenario.json, pop_solution.json, and popsolution.log. Unless otherwise indicated, each zip file contains data for all divisions (1-3). Event 4 used 39 Industry scenarios that will not be made public. An additional 39 scenarios from the set of 630 industry and synthetic were also run without allowing switching for a total of 669 scenarios used in scoring.

Dataset Links, Sizes, and Number of Synthetic Scenarios   13.5 MB   88 scenarios   84.8 MB   87 scenarios   79.4 MB   48 scenarios   130.7 MB   39 scenarios   317.6 MB   72 scenarios   428.8 MB   36 scenarios   481.4 MB  18 scenarios   275.1 MB   24 scenarios   261.5 MB   36 scenarios   328.9 MB   21 scenarios   311.7 MB   48 scenarios   333.2 MB   24 scenarios   304.3 MB   24 scenarios   328.8 MB   20 scenarios   51.8 MB     6 scenarios


Number of Unique Synthetic Scenarios per Division per Network
Synthetic Network Buses D1 D2 D3 all
C3E4N00073 73 24 40 24 88
C3E4N00617 617 39 24 24 87
C3E4N01576 1,576 24 0 24 48
C3E4N02000 2,000 18 18 3 39
C3E4N04224 4,224 24 24 24 72
C3E4N06049 6,049 36 18 24 78
C3E4N06717 6,717 36 18 3 57
C3E4N08316 8,316 48 24 44 116
C3E4N23643 23,643 2 2 2 6
total scenarios   251 168 172 591

Specify dataset=E4 in submission.conf

C3 Sandbox Scenarios

Sandbox submissions are open. All scenarios, Event or Sandbox, including Industry scenarios, are available for submission to the Sandbox.



Download the revised (12/8/2022) S0 Sandbox datasets (3.1 MB). It contains 4 network models consisting of  3-, 14-, 37- and 73-buses. Each S0 network model in this set consists one scenario with 4 JSON files for each division as follows:

  1. scenario_nnn.json contains the problem input data,
  2. scenario_nnn_summary.json contains information about the problem input data, including the length and number of periods as in the table below,
  3. scenario_nnn_solution.json contains a feasible solution file produced by the Benchmark program for this scenario, and
  4. scenario_nnn_evaluation.json, the output from the Evaluation program that calculates the objective ("z") from the solution file. This will be the score for the scenario.

Download the S0.1 Sandbox datasets (8/4/2023, 4 network models, 12 scenarios, 36 files; 0.5 MB). Each S0.1 network model in this set consists of one scenario with 3 files for each division as follows:

  1. scenario_nnn.json contains the problem input data,
  2. scenario_nnn.json.pop_solution.json contains a feasible solution file produced by the POP (Prior Operating Point) program for this scenario, and
  3. scenario_nnn.json.popsolution.log, the output from the Evaluation program that calculates the objective ("z") from the solution file. This will be the score for the scenario.

The question has arisen to what extent did the changes from S0 to S0.1 affect the results. We recalculated using the S0.1 data and have appended the results to the right of the table below. The changes from the S0 objective to S0.1 can probably be explained as resulting from the evolution of the Benchmark code, with a notable exception, the 73-bus D1 case and perhaps D2 and D3 as well. Here, at least for D1, the changes clearly affect the character of the problem, for D2 and D3 less so, although the Benchmark team believes this too could be due to a change in the Benchmark.

S0 datasets released December 8, 2022
Division network model scenario buses ac lines dc lines transformers  shunts simple
real power
reserve zones
reactive power
reserve zones
intervals contingencies hours
Objective "z"
from (feasible)
S0.1 Benchmark objective
1 C3S0N00003 3 3 2 0 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 18 2 8 143,164.98 143,275.23
2 C3S0N00003 3 3 2 0 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 48 2 48 907,176.92 907,887.74
3 C3S0N00003 3 3 2 0 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 42 2 168 2,943,776.23 2,955,859.62
1 C3S0N00014 3 14 17 0 3 1 17 6 11 2 2 18 12 8 369,670.34 369,842.67
2 C3S0N00014 3 14 17 0 20 1 17 6 11 2 2 48 12 48 2,231,247.62 2,232,386.54
3 C3S0N00014 3 14 17 0 3 1 17 6 11 2 2 42 12 168 7,808,744.45 7,813,029.49
1 C3S0N00037 3 37 43 0 14 8 34 8 26 2 2 18 40 8 1,787,896.16 1,789,046.05
2 C3S0N00037 3 37 43 0 14 8 34 8 26 2 2 48 40 48 10,697,172.61 10,703,727.01
3 C3S0N00037 3 37 43 0 14 8 34 8 26 2 2 42 40 168 37,469,492.15 37,492,278.94
1 C3S0N00073 2 73 105 1 15 73 208 157 51 1 1 18 2 8 1,218,124.58 8,498,839.91
2 C3S0N00073 2 73 105 1 15 73 208 157 51 1 1 48 2 48 55,569,951.09 58,940,044.10
3 C3S0N00073 2 73 105 1 15 73 208 157 51 1 1 42 2 168 195,862,934.29 201,621,502.56

These small datasets are intended to help entrants create solvers that can correctly handle Challenge 3 data formats. The solutions produced by the Benchmark are not intended to be anywhere near optimal. Their purpose is to demonstrate that feasible solutions do exist and what a valid solution file would look like.



Download the S1 Sandbox datasets (55.5 MB) released December 22, 2022. It contains 4 network models consisting of  600-, 1576-, 4200- and 6049-buses. Each S1 network model in this set consists one scenario with 3 JSON files for each division as follows:

  1. scenario_nnn.json contains the problem input data,
  2. scenario_nnn_pop_solution.json contains a feasible solution file produced by the POP (Prior Operating Point) program for this scenario, and
  3. scenario_nnn_pop_eval_summary.json, the output from the Evaluation program that calculates the objective ("z") from the solution file. This will be the score for the scenario.

Download the S1.1 Sandbox datasets (8/7/2023, 4 network models, 12 scenarios, 32 files; 37.7 MB). Each S1.1 network model in this set consists of one scenario with 2 files for Division 1 and 3 files for Divisions 2 and 3 as follows:

  1. scenario_nnn.json contains the problem input data,
  2. scenario_nnn.json.pop_solution.json contains a feasible solution file produced by the POP (Prior Operating Point) program for this scenario, and
  3. scenario_nnn.json.popsolution.log, the output from the Evaluation program that calculates the objective ("z") from the solution file. This will be the score for the scenario. (Not available in Division 1, basically the same as S1)

As with S0.1, we recalculated using the S1.1 data and have appended the results to the right of the table below. The changes from the S1 objective to S1.1 can probably be explained as resulting from the evolution of the Benchmark code. In some cases the newer Benchmark code takes longer so the strict time limits were removed to obtain the result.

S1 datasets released December 22,2022
network model scenario buses ac lines dc lines transformers  shunts simple
real power
reserve zones
reactive power
reserve zones
intervals contingencies hours
Objective "z"
from (feasible)
solution 1/24/23
S1.1 Benchmark objective
C3S1N00600D1 1 617 723 0 130 22 499 94 405 10 10 18 562 8        42,226,325      44,842,983
C3S1N00600D2 1 617 723 0 130 22 499 94 405 10 10 48 562 48      272,379,900    275,171,405
C3S1N00600D3 1 617 723 0 130 22 499 94 405 10 10 42 562 168      956,326,855    966,076,124
                                   * extra time           
C3S1N01576D1 1 1576 2227 0 144 68 2064 615 1449 2 2 18 219 8          1,611,632        2,032,806*
C3S1N01576D2 1 1576 2227 0 144 68 2064 615 1449 2 2 48 219 48          8,868,527      10,247,108*
C3S1N01576D3 1 1576 2227 0 144 68 2064 615 1449 2 2 42 219 168        30,371,197      36,655,236
C3S1N04200D1 1 4224 2605 0 2325 436 2151 478 1673 2 2 18 2313 8       256,604,444    280,677,840*
C3S1N04200D2 1 4224 2605 0 2325 436 2151 478 1673 2 2 48 2313 48    1,619,066,741 1,687,192,177
C3S1N04200D3 1 4224 2605 0 2325 436 2151 478 1673 2 2 42 2313 168    5,381,415,727 5,907,193,284
C3S1N06049D1 1 6049 4920 0 3086 236 3836 468 3368 6 6 18 3884 8      214,346,894    232,123,101*
C3S1N06049D2 1 6049 4920 0 3086 236 3836 468 3368 6 6 48 3884 48   1,369,855,103 1,137,028,044*
C3S1N06049D3 1 6049 4920 0 3086 236 3836 468 3368 6 6 42 3884 168   4,798,688,125 4,690,386,737



Download the (3/16/2023) S2 Sandbox datasets (15.5 MB). The zip file contains 2 network models consisting of 2000- and 6717-buses intended for use with Event 2. Each network model consists one scenario with 3 JSON files for each scenario as follows:

  1. scenario_001.json contains the problem input data,
  2. scenario_001.json.pop_solution.json contains a feasible solution file produced by the POP (Prior Operating Point) program for this scenario, and
  3. scenario_001.json.popsolution.log, the output from the Evaluation program that calculates the objective ("z") from the solution file. This will be the score for the scenario.
S2 datasets released March 16, 2023
Network Model scenario buses ac lines dc lines transformers shunts simple
real power
reserve zones
reactive power
reserve zones
intervals contingencies hours
solution "z"
C3S2N02000D1 1 2000 2345 0 861 157 1894 544 1350 20 30 18 2756 8 167,849,195 860*
C3S2N02000D2 1 2000 2345 0 861 157 1894 544 1350 20 30 48 2756 48 980,180,768 1987
C3S2N02000D3 1 2000 2345 0 861 157 1894 544 1350 20 30 42 2756 168 3,428,929,639 2262
C3S2N06717D1 1 6717 7173 0 1967 634 5826 731 5095 30 50 18 2670 8 41,608,836 4991*
C3S2N06717D2 1 6717 7173 0 1967 634 5826 731 5095 30 50 48 2670 48 176,799,819 32646*
C3S2N06717D3 1 6717 7173 0 1967 634 5826 731 5095 30 50 42 2670 168 466,572,608 19046*
                                *exceeds time limit


Download the (06/06/2023) S3.1 Sandbox datasets (104 MB); specify dataset=S3.1 in submission.conf, not S3. The zip file contains 6 network models consisting of 14-, 37-, 1576-, 2000-, 8,316- and 23,643-buses and 41 scenarios (123 files). Event 3 will use the 73-bus and larger networks from E2 as well as the two new detailed below, with a caveat: the 23,643-bus system is very difficult and its use is still under discussion. There are two issues: memory and time. The current evaluation platform has 256 GB of memory per node but this is not enough for the current benchmark. One of the Event 2 codes was able to find a positive feasible solution for Division 1, but it took 11.6 hours (Divisions 2 and 3 ran out of memory). Another Event 2 code found negative feasible solutions but took 2.54-, 4.16-, 2.83-hours for D1, D2, D3. Only the D3 time was within our current limits. A third code produced no results for any division after 72 hours. We may raise the time limits for this one or just see what the teams can do with it as is. The two smaller networks incorporate the features seen in other networks, including the industry network used in E2 and will be used again in E3. Putting these features in the small networks is intended to aid debugging. As with E2.1 above, these datasets only satisfy versions of the data checker later than 4/25/2023. The 06/05/2023 version of S3.1 should be deleted. It has some files mislabeled.

Do not use the following. They have some invalid data uncovered by the June 7 version of the checker and have been removed from the Sandbox.

S3.1/D*/C3S3N00037D*/scenario_001.json; S3.1/D1/C3S3N01576D1/scenario_007.json; and S3.1/D*/C3S3N23643D*/scenario_001.json. 

>>>S3.1/D*/C3S3N23643D*/scenario_003.json is now available as a replacement for scenario 1 in the Sandbox.

Each network model consists one scenario with 3 JSON files for each division as follows:

  1. scenario_nnn.json contains the problem input data,
  2. scenario_nnn.json.pop_solution.json contains a feasible solution file produced by the POP (Prior Operating Point) program for this scenario, and
  3. scenario_nnn.json.popsolution.log, the output from the Evaluation program that calculates the objective ("z") from the solution file. This will be the score for the scenario.


New S3.1 datasets released June 5, 2023
Network Scenario Buses AC lines DC lines Transformers Shunts Contingencies dispatchable
real power
reserve zones
reactive power
reserve zones
POP objective
C3S3N08316D1 1 8316 7723 0 4249 1179 6289 5583 4457 1126 7 7 18 8 909,330,189
C3S3N08316D2 1 8316 7723 0 4249 1179 6289 5585 4457 1128 7 7 48 48 5,458,579,856
C3S3N08316D3 1 8316 7723 0 4249 1179 6289 5589 4457 1132 7 7 42 168 19,081,976,871
C3S3N23643D1 3 23643 23797 1 9942 2717 26870 18005 11731 6274 16 36 18 8 -5,274,566,816
C3S3N23643D2 3 23643 23797 1 9942 2717 26870 18005 11731 6274 16 36 48 48 -31,658,669,942
C3S3N23643D3 3 23643 23797 1 9942 2717 26870 18005 11731 6274 16 36 42 168 -110,805,378,386

New in the Sandbox 8/21/23

There will be many generation/load variations in E4 based on a base configuration for each network model. Here are the base configurations (or a derivative if the base is not available) being used for Event 4. For 73-bus D2 and D3, use any of the dataset=E1.1 scenarios. Download the new data (33.88 MB, 10 scenarios).

model scenario Benchmark z
C3S3N00073D1* 302 25,979,609
C3S3N01576D1* 128 98,260,979
C3S3N01576D2* 27 514,270,938
C3S3N01576D3* 27 1,837,814,658
C3S3N02000D1 2 -171,731,077
C3S3N02000D2 2 237,219,384
C3S3N02000D3 2 162,063,017
C3S3N06049D1* 1 228,643,784
C3S3N06049D2* 1 1,334,108,821
C3S3N06049D3* 1 4,613,243,007
C3S3N06717D1* 1 25,939,903
C3S3N06717D2* 1 210,472,159
C3S3N06717D3* 1 781,883,683
C3S3N08316D1 1 1,166,808,367
C3S3N08316D2 1 6,949,928,493
C3S3N08316D3 1 24,394,181,787
*new for S3.1    

This applies to the 6708-bus industry network as well and we suggest you practice on the scenarios in the Sandbox from previous Events.


Download the (08/03/2023) Sandbox datasets (9 617-bus scenarios; 2.2 MB), the X indicates these are switching enhanced datasets. This set of 9 617-bus Division 1 scenarios was constructed to demonstrate the advantages of using line switching. As stated on the Languages page, setting the submission.conf parameter experiment controls the use of switching during a Sandbox run. Similar cases will be used in Event 4.

experiment = [SW0 | SW1], where SW0 indicates that the AllowSwitching parameter passed as a runtime parameter is set to 0 (switching not allowed and if detected will result in an infeasible determination for the solution). The default is SW1, i.e., switching is allowed. To access this dataset, specify dataset=S4 in submission.conf, as well as the desired model and scenario number given in the table below.

We have run the 9 S4X datasets using the Benchmark code with and without switching and observed the following results.

Impact of Line Switching
model scenario SW0
improvement switches
C3S4N00617D1 941 38,848,261 45,269,561 17% 5
C3S4N00617D1 942 32,477,958 45,114,499 39% 10
C3S4N00617D1 943 29,697,452 44,525,029 50% 14
C3S4N00617D1 951 44,026,474 45,269,390 3% 5
C3S4N00617D1 952 41,049,750 45,205,788 10% 10
C3S4N00617D1 953 39,739,924 45,283,140 14% 14
C3S4N00617D1 961 45,270,027 45,269,485 0% 5
C3S4N00617D1 962 44,742,081 45,284,207 1% 10
C3S4N00617D1 963 44,183,223 45,310,245 3% 14

Download the (08/09/2023) Sandbox datasets (above plus 4 73-bus scenarios; 2.85 MB).

We know that there are opportunities for beneficial switching in these scenarios beyond the numerical results we have shown, particularly for the 73-bus scenarios. For each scenario, we solved it with the benchmark solver with no switching allowed. Then we modified the initial on/off status of some branches and ran the benchmark solver again and observed improvement in the objective. In some scenarios this improvement was well over 100%. On its own, so far, the benchmark solver simply turns on branches that are off. The 73-bus scenarios have cases where a branch needs to be turned off, so the benchmark solver sees no improvement.

difficult switching scenarios
network model scenario SW0 or SW1
C3S4N00073D2 991 340,722
C3S4N00073D2 992 1,298,867
C3S4N00073D2 996 3,832,781
C3S4N00073D2 997 1,196,651


The Final Event dataset, posted December 3, 2019, has two parts: Real-Time (used with Divisions 1 and 3; 10 minute time limit for code1) and Offline (used with Divisions 2 and 4; 45 minute time limit for code1). Each part consists of 17 Network Models with 20 scenarios each. The * in the Network Model name is replaced with either R for Real-Time (Divisions 1 and 3), or O for Offline (Divisions 2 and 4). The only difference is the starting information (5 variables) in the raw files. The relative problem difficulty presentation is available here.

The Real-Time dataset may be downloaded from (170 MB).

The Offline dataset may be downloaded from (145 MB).

Please note that the number of contingencies for Network_13 is incorrect in the results information sent to the entrant teams. The values below are correct.

Network Model Scenario Buses Loads Fixed Shunts Generators Nontransformer Branches Transformers Areas Switched Shunts Contingencies Slack Score
Network_02*-173 1 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 724       31,546,034,610.69
Network_02*-173 5 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 714       34,218,030,414.34
Network_02*-173 9 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 731       37,040,315,056.69
Network_02*-173 15 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 760       38,270,696,330.34
Network_02*-173 33 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 709       32,293,790,039.37
Network_02*-173 65 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 744       37,662,891,967.82
Network_02*-173 67 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 693       33,172,853,748.16
Network_02*-173 72 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 742       38,106,723,531.24
Network_02*-173 75 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 735       34,881,073,087.75
Network_02*-173 123 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 761       40,951,281,699.53
Network_02*-173 128 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 719       37,110,335,825.41
Network_02*-173 131 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 725       35,579,808,858.27
Network_02*-173 135 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 738       35,445,862,949.84
Network_02*-173 136 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 732       33,126,792,638.46
Network_02*-173 140 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 708       32,259,854,336.50
Network_02*-173 156 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 713       34,751,021,199.53
Network_02*-173 159 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 703       32,990,049,213.23
Network_02*-173 165 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 722       34,610,474,767.91
Network_02*-173 167 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 723       35,686,942,005.45
Network_02*-173 169 500 281 5 224 540 193 1 31 758       38,932,235,245.92
Network_03*-200 12 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 100       13,805,752,103.30
Network_03*-200 15 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 91       11,300,972,644.36
Network_03*-200 25 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 100       14,021,408,231.40
Network_03*-200 55 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 100       14,026,804,794.49
Network_03*-200 62 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 92       12,004,991,659.64
Network_03*-200 65 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 90       10,936,783,020.75
Network_03*-200 68 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 92       12,132,585,244.72
Network_03*-200 72 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 98       13,535,187,088.22
Network_03*-200 111 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 89       10,820,831,519.45
Network_03*-200 121 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 91       11,628,800,330.37
Network_03*-200 135 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 89       10,567,659,039.22
Network_03*-200 148 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 86       10,103,128,145.17
Network_03*-200 154 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 86       10,208,372,645.64
Network_03*-200 156 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 85       10,107,685,829.30
Network_03*-200 159 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 85       10,111,947,795.33
Network_03*-200 165 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 89       11,593,521,511.44
Network_03*-200 166 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 89       11,541,546,133.36
Network_03*-200 185 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 88       10,733,356,206.09
Network_03*-200 190 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 91       11,918,819,235.78
Network_03*-200 195 793 568 49 214 770 143 1 50 86       10,101,716,348.97
Network_06*-124 5 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,535       68,902,633,103.21
Network_06*-124 10 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,459       55,824,788,031.66
Network_06*-124 17 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,535       69,221,939,121.93
Network_06*-124 25 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,421       56,807,274,215.48
Network_06*-124 35 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,449       56,838,940,566.04
Network_06*-124 36 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,479       59,275,446,882.61
Network_06*-124 40 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,530       67,225,835,166.27
Network_06*-124 45 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,490       58,865,992,129.28
Network_06*-124 50 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,497       62,644,187,748.48
Network_06*-124 63 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,521       65,701,204,718.33
Network_06*-124 64 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,520       66,511,316,611.01
Network_06*-124 65 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,466       56,999,952,490.67
Network_06*-124 72 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,471       58,306,772,232.97
Network_06*-124 75 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,487       58,931,976,500.34
Network_06*-124 95 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,469       58,661,357,239.33
Network_06*-124 96 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,535       68,883,704,414.11
Network_06*-124 98 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,493       62,086,099,958.61
Network_06*-124 105 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,530       67,096,259,600.71
Network_06*-124 117 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,470       58,178,152,635.67
Network_06*-124 124 2,000 1,010 0 384 2,743 896 3 124 2,442       56,969,616,777.38
Network_70*-422 21 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 982       34,574,053,527.01
Network_70*-422 60 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 1,017       44,672,214,207.17
Network_70*-422 71 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 999       39,111,678,079.32
Network_70*-422 85 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 1,012       43,943,240,758.31
Network_70*-422 162 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 986       35,297,807,088.21
Network_70*-422 172 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 987       35,834,534,852.40
Network_70*-422 175 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 987       35,923,172,831.39
Network_70*-422 189 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 986       35,153,850,122.89
Network_70*-422 215 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 1,002       40,331,463,025.32
Network_70*-422 251 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 1,028       46,404,784,410.47
Network_70*-422 259 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 1,010       41,045,467,131.70
Network_70*-422 275 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 1,008       41,826,887,636.72
Network_70*-422 289 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 1,037       50,307,049,049.59
Network_70*-422 303 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 1,001       39,244,258,274.62
Network_70*-422 305 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 1,021       44,164,920,758.13
Network_70*-422 335 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 1,035       49,326,514,774.16
Network_70*-422 352 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 993       36,692,554,402.20
Network_70*-422 355 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 1,003       40,357,607,909.69
Network_70*-422 375 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 994       37,113,370,652.41
Network_70*-422 411 2,312 1,529 121 444 2,156 857 1 201 997       38,634,940,539.19
Network_75*-040 2 2,742 1,831 0 182 3,071 1,602 1 15 2,154       90,386,836,713.55
Network_75*-040 5 2,742 1,831 0 182 3,071 1,602 1 15 2,154       90,386,852,855.29
Network_75*-040 7 2,742 1,831 0 182 3,071 1,602 1 15 2,154       90,386,846,313.13
Network_75*-040 8 2,742 1,831 0 182 3,071 1,602 1 15 2,154       90,386,886,614.00
Network_75*-040 9 2,742 1,831 0 182 3,071 1,602 1 15 2,154       90,386,900,439.63
Network_75*-040 10 2,742 1,831 0 182 3,071 1,602 1 15 2,154       90,386,833,169.46
Network_75*-040 12 2,742 1,830 0 180 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,151       89,715,450,627.13
Network_75*-040 14 2,742 1,830 0 180 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,151       89,715,486,432.51
Network_75*-040 15 2,742 1,830 0 180 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,151       89,715,463,062.53
Network_75*-040 16 2,742 1,830 0 180 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,151       89,715,475,460.01
Network_75*-040 17 2,742 1,830 0 180 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,151       89,715,462,449.14
Network_75*-040 18 2,742 1,830 0 180 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,151       89,715,493,908.75
Network_75*-040 20 2,742 1,830 0 180 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,151       89,715,454,108.98
Network_75*-040 25 2,742 1,834 0 180 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,151       89,894,744,438.74
Network_75*-040 28 2,742 1,834 0 180 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,151       89,894,775,128.52
Network_75*-040 31 2,742 1,834 0 192 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,163       89,362,621,642.32
Network_75*-040 35 2,742 1,834 0 192 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,163       89,362,635,681.87
Network_75*-040 36 2,742 1,834 0 192 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,163       89,362,650,329.88
Network_75*-040 39 2,742 1,834 0 192 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,163       89,362,679,822.39
Network_75*-040 40 2,742 1,834 0 192 3,070 1,602 1 15 2,163       89,362,623,206.99
Network_08*-373 35 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,935    133,169,489,445.25
Network_08*-373 45 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,937    126,035,767,916.07
Network_08*-373 69 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,947    130,320,778,165.02
Network_08*-373 136 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,903    117,182,865,815.96
Network_08*-373 147 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,897    113,071,996,934.03
Network_08*-373 151 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,903    115,165,588,784.79
Network_08*-373 156 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,895    114,171,311,590.07
Network_08*-373 175 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,887    111,565,325,793.63
Network_08*-373 188 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,884    110,804,697,025.79
Network_08*-373 195 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,877    109,302,727,095.38
Network_08*-373 196 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,877    109,338,868,863.44
Network_08*-373 216 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,928    123,415,977,404.63
Network_08*-373 243 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,972    138,910,312,863.70
Network_08*-373 245 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,966    136,782,863,478.12
Network_08*-373 247 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,963  
Network_08*-373 261 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,970    139,543,432,827.35
Network_08*-373 268 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,929    121,853,135,374.29
Network_08*-373 275 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,970    140,067,056,232.01
Network_08*-373 305 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,932    122,729,618,323.20
Network_08*-373 365 3,022 1,793 129 637 2,838 1,297 1 402 1,907    116,829,434,831.29
Network_82*-010 3 4,601 3,502 0 408 5,145 2,054 1 17 2,528       18,952,016,434.26
Network_82*-010 5 4,601 3,502 0 408 5,145 2,054 1 17 2,528       18,951,976,645.40
Network_82*-010 9 4,601 3,502 0 408 5,145 2,054 1 17 2,528       18,952,169,115.91
Network_82*-010 10 4,601 3,502 0 408 5,145 2,054 1 17 2,528       18,951,967,962.10
Network_82*-040 2 3,970 2,868 0 393 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,501       18,960,343,798.15
Network_82*-040 3 3,970 2,868 0 393 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,501       18,960,373,262.92
Network_82*-040 4 3,970 2,868 0 393 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,501       18,960,447,028.26
Network_82*-040 5 3,970 2,868 0 393 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,501       18,960,349,055.90
Network_82*-040 7 3,970 2,868 0 393 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,501       18,960,292,726.22
Network_82*-040 9 3,970 2,868 0 393 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,501       18,960,428,500.06
Network_82*-040 10 3,970 2,868 0 393 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,501       18,960,342,684.46
Network_82*-040 13 3,970 2,868 0 392 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,500       18,377,359,453.62
Network_82*-040 19 3,970 2,868 0 392 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,500       18,377,418,932.01
Network_82*-040 27 3,970 2,868 0 391 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,499       17,650,516,462.80
Network_82*-040 28 3,970 2,868 0 391 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,499       17,650,616,356.15
Network_82*-040 29 3,970 2,868 0 391 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,499       17,650,639,084.10
Network_82*-040 33 3,970 2,868 0 383 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,491       16,793,126,904.63
Network_82*-040 34 3,970 2,868 0 383 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,491       16,793,190,114.15
Network_82*-040 39 3,970 2,868 0 383 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,491       16,793,279,938.30
Network_82*-040 40 3,970 2,868 0 383 4,505 2,138 1 13 2,491       16,793,100,712.75
Network_83*-130 4 4,020 2,691 0 345 4,650 2,338 1 43 3,026       76,930,949,459.73
Network_83*-130 5 4,020 2,691 0 345 4,650 2,338 1 43 3,026       76,930,917,069.20
Network_83*-130 19 4,020 2,691 0 345 4,650 2,338 1 43 3,026       77,725,639,720.35
Network_83*-130 26 4,020 2,691 0 352 4,650 2,338 1 43 3,033       78,989,533,079.09
Network_83*-130 28 4,020 2,691 0 352 4,650 2,338 1 43 3,033       78,989,513,255.16
Network_83*-130 46 4,020 2,691 0 352 4,650 2,338 1 43 3,033       78,570,208,561.16
Network_83*-130 47 4,020 2,691 0 352 4,650 2,338 1 43 3,033       78,570,158,945.42
Network_83*-130 50 4,020 2,691 0 352 4,650 2,338 1 43 3,033       78,570,122,557.28
Network_83*-130 55 4,020 2,691 0 352 4,650 2,338 1 43 3,033       78,570,328,645.59
Network_83*-130 66 4,020 2,691 0 352 4,649 2,338 1 43 3,032       79,095,258,716.75
Network_83*-130 71 4,020 2,691 0 345 4,650 2,338 1 43 3,026       76,894,450,226.71
Network_83*-130 82 4,020 2,691 0 349 4,649 2,338 1 43 3,030       76,563,969,816.83
Network_83*-130 85 4,020 2,691 0 349 4,649 2,338 1 43 3,030       76,564,115,306.33
Network_83*-130 96 4,020 2,691 0 349 4,622 2,338 1 43 3,003       76,652,287,696.24
Network_83*-130 100 4,020 2,691 0 349 4,622 2,338 1 43 3,003       76,652,116,250.03
Network_83*-130 102 4,020 2,691 0 352 4,648 2,338 1 43 3,031       77,702,890,600.62
Network_83*-130 110 4,020 2,691 0 352 4,648 2,338 1 43 3,031       77,702,886,706.05
Network_83*-130 116 4,020 2,691 0 352 4,648 2,338 1 43 3,031       78,644,619,412.27
Network_83*-130 117 4,020 2,691 0 352 4,648 2,338 1 43 3,031       78,644,416,802.59
Network_83*-130 125 4,020 2,691 0 352 4,649 2,338 1 43 3,032       78,362,744,537.19
Network_86*-040 1 4,619 3,292 0 384 5,739 2,413 1 206 3,061    160,295,435,533.39
Network_86*-040 4 4,619 3,292 0 384 5,739 2,413 1 206 3,061    160,295,513,581.15
Network_86*-040 5 4,619 3,292 0 384 5,739 2,413 1 206 3,061    160,295,467,444.16
Network_86*-040 6 4,619 3,292 0 384 5,739 2,413 1 206 3,061    160,295,485,778.07
Network_86*-040 7 4,619 3,292 0 384 5,739 2,413 1 206 3,061    160,295,454,089.95
Network_86*-040 8 4,619 3,292 0 384 5,739 2,413 1 206 3,061    160,295,537,578.89
Network_86*-040 11 4,619 3,291 0 347 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,026    154,768,638,227.60
Network_86*-040 12 4,619 3,291 0 347 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,026    154,768,637,531.85
Network_86*-040 13 4,619 3,291 0 347 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,026    154,768,657,169.83
Network_86*-040 15 4,619 3,291 0 347 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,026    154,768,663,905.30
Network_86*-040 16 4,619 3,291 0 347 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,026    154,768,685,561.77
Network_86*-040 17 4,619 3,291 0 347 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,026    154,768,641,263.30
Network_86*-040 19 4,619 3,291 0 347 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,026    154,768,722,018.88
Network_86*-040 23 4,619 3,292 0 352 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,031    154,970,138,914.14
Network_86*-040 25 4,619 3,292 0 352 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,031    154,970,142,602.89
Network_86*-040 29 4,619 3,292 0 352 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,031    154,970,206,494.54
Network_86*-040 35 4,619 3,292 0 353 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,032    156,732,854,680.07
Network_86*-040 37 4,619 3,292 0 353 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,032    156,732,832,107.56
Network_86*-040 38 4,619 3,292 0 353 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,032    156,732,891,149.16
Network_86*-040 39 4,619 3,292 0 353 5,739 2,411 1 205 3,032    156,732,910,514.61
Network_88*-030 2 4,837 2,753 0 332 4,746 3,019 1 48 3,435       54,163,829,555.23
Network_88*-030 3 4,837 2,753 0 332 4,746 3,019 1 48 3,435       54,163,867,328.12
Network_88*-030 6 4,837 2,753 0 332 4,746 3,019 1 48 3,435       54,163,967,535.56
Network_88*-030 7 4,837 2,753 0 332 4,746 3,019 1 48 3,435       54,163,796,299.80
Network_88*-030 8 4,837 2,753 0 332 4,746 3,019 1 48 3,435       54,163,913,124.11
Network_88*-030 9 4,837 2,753 0 332 4,746 3,019 1 48 3,435       54,163,952,825.28
Network_88*-030 10 4,837 2,753 0 332 4,746 3,019 1 48 3,435       54,163,834,067.64
Network_88*-030 11 4,837 2,753 0 331 4,746 3,019 1 48 3,434       53,402,433,032.99
Network_88*-030 12 4,837 2,753 0 331 4,746 3,019 1 48 3,434       53,402,431,010.82
Network_88*-030 13 4,837 2,753 0 331 4,746 3,019 1 48 3,434       53,402,465,833.92
Network_88*-030 17 4,837 2,753 0 331 4,746 3,019 1 48 3,434       53,402,399,486.86
Network_88*-030 19 4,837 2,753 0 331 4,746 3,019 1 48 3,434       53,402,549,539.33
Network_88*-030 20 4,837 2,753 0 331 4,746 3,019 1 48 3,434       53,402,441,511.00
Network_88*-030 23 4,836 2,753 0 327 4,746 3,016 1 49 3,429       49,315,094,736.58
Network_88*-030 24 4,836 2,753 0 327 4,746 3,016 1 49 3,429       49,315,167,427.70
Network_88*-030 25 4,836 2,753 0 327 4,746 3,016 1 49 3,429       49,315,136,406.57
Network_88*-030 26 4,836 2,753 0 327 4,746 3,016 1 49 3,429       49,315,188,499.21
Network_88*-030 28 4,836 2,753 0 327 4,746 3,016 1 49 3,429       49,315,139,561.16
Network_88*-030 29 4,836 2,753 0 327 4,746 3,016 1 49 3,429       49,315,205,813.94
Network_88*-030 30 4,836 2,753 0 327 4,746 3,016 1 49 3,429       49,315,072,239.18
Network_09*-195 27 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,077    222,452,689,889.85
Network_09*-195 31 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,077    222,198,893,951.80
Network_09*-195 39 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,077    240,101,022,658.56
Network_09*-195 40 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,077    240,830,713,647.35
Network_09*-195 50 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,080    224,092,797,148.03
Network_09*-195 85 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,078    220,449,777,625.48
Network_09*-195 86 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,078    222,973,423,869.29
Network_09*-195 99 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,078    227,659,955,850.28
Network_09*-195 105 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,078    227,428,910,888.50
Network_09*-195 125 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,080    229,616,627,857.31
Network_09*-195 131 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,080    227,638,879,111.57
Network_09*-195 134 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,075    216,262,531,541.78
Network_09*-195 149 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,080    224,453,949,400.50
Network_09*-195 165 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,075    217,754,650,065.05
Network_09*-195 167 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,080    236,802,656,391.73
Network_09*-195 175 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,072    214,970,773,651.74
Network_09*-195 177 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,072    214,689,045,265.67
Network_09*-195 185 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,080    239,133,518,684.86
Network_09*-195 187 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,080    235,484,031,962.05
Network_09*-195 188 4,918 3,070 243 1,340 4,412 2,315 31 486 5,080    233,519,809,294.31
Network_12*-050 2 8,718 5,819 0 365 9,928 4,897 1 107 5,001       48,623,438,468.97
Network_12*-050 4 8,718 5,819 0 365 9,928 4,897 1 107 5,001       48,623,560,052.03
Network_12*-050 5 8,718 5,819 0 365 9,928 4,897 1 107 5,001       48,623,509,776.56
Network_12*-050 6 8,718 5,819 0 365 9,928 4,897 1 107 5,001       48,623,576,122.27
Network_12*-050 16 8,718 5,819 0 365 9,928 4,897 1 107 5,001       48,570,242,396.40
Network_12*-050 17 8,718 5,819 0 365 9,928 4,897 1 107 5,001       48,570,083,810.33
Network_12*-050 20 8,718 5,819 0 365 9,928 4,897 1 107 5,001       48,570,119,065.82
Network_12*-050 21 8,754 5,833 0 365 10,090 4,986 1 107 5,303       48,629,240,611.16
Network_12*-050 27 8,754 5,833 0 365 10,090 4,986 1 107 5,303       48,629,205,646.81
Network_12*-050 29 8,754 5,833 0 365 10,090 4,986 1 107 5,303       48,629,370,012.90
Network_12*-050 32 9,591 6,659 0 365 10,927 4,988 1 122 5,303       49,689,165,871.79
Network_12*-050 33 9,591 6,659 0 365 10,927 4,988 1 122 5,303       49,689,207,739.53
Network_12*-050 37 9,591 6,659 0 365 10,927 4,988 1 122 5,303       49,689,140,099.80
Network_12*-050 39 9,591 6,659 0 365 10,927 4,988 1 122 5,303       49,689,311,987.46
Network_12*-050 40 9,591 6,659 0 365 10,927 4,988 1 122 5,303       49,689,174,948.54
Network_12*-050 42 9,591 6,653 0 365 10,927 4,988 1 122 5,303       47,855,368,427.21
Network_12*-050 45 9,591 6,653 0 365 10,927 4,988 1 122 5,303       47,855,449,050.30
Network_12*-050 46 9,591 6,653 0 365 10,927 4,988 1 122 5,303       47,855,507,715.60
Network_12*-050 47 9,591 6,653 0 365 10,927 4,988 1 122 5,303       47,855,343,046.52
Network_12*-050 49 9,591 6,653 0 365 10,927 4,988 1 122 5,303       47,855,508,786.27
Network_13*-103 5 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 8,911    133,350,013,458.95
Network_13*-103 15 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 9,005    142,928,043,471.92
Network_13*-103 25 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 8,895    131,572,422,279.65
Network_13*-103 28 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 8,910    133,316,696,813.78
Network_13*-103 43 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 8,893    131,614,081,154.02
Network_13*-103 45 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 8,908    132,940,892,455.09
Network_13*-103 46 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 8,922    134,315,911,797.37
Network_13*-103 47 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 8,942    136,373,317,143.83
Network_13*-103 51 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 8,975    140,361,244,173.07
Network_13*-103 52 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 8,984    140,929,468,209.46
Network_13*-103 55 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 9,677    213,672,263,675.98
Network_13*-103 63 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 9,587    170,664,411,261.85
Network_13*-103 68 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 9,671    208,339,321,493.28
Network_13*-103 72 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 9,636    187,091,589,446.25
Network_13*-103 75 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 9,605    174,847,703,690.90
Network_13*-103 81 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 9,618    181,134,786,396.74
Network_13*-103 83 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 9,677    213,163,124,463.02
Network_13*-103 84 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 9,677    211,942,059,003.98
Network_13*-103 85 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 9,656    197,033,227,025.88
Network_13*-103 86 10,000 3,984 64 2,089 10,819 2,374 6 500 9,646    191,411,430,405.13
Network_14*-050 5 10,480 6,871 0 777 12,743 5,186 1 248 8,561    117,147,491,822.22
Network_14*-050 6 10,480 6,871 0 777 12,743 5,186 1 248 8,557    117,147,541,942.89
Network_14*-050 7 10,480 6,871 0 777 12,743 5,186 1 248 8,553    117,147,569,089.48
Network_14*-050 9 10,480 6,871 0 777 12,743 5,186 1 248 8,566    117,147,720,388.44
Network_14*-050 10 10,480 6,871 0 777 12,743 5,186 1 248 8,556    117,147,438,309.69
Network_14*-050 11 10,480 6,871 0 782 12,743 5,186 1 248 8,566    116,101,919,068.82
Network_14*-050 12 10,480 6,871 0 782 12,743 5,186 1 248 8,561    116,101,918,393.14
Network_14*-050 14 10,480 6,871 0 782 12,743 5,186 1 248 8,553    116,102,134,697.89
Network_14*-050 16 10,480 6,871 0 782 12,743 5,186 1 248 8,561    116,102,019,488.36
Network_14*-050 27 10,480 6,858 0 775 12,740 5,186 1 248 8,557    114,045,671,712.37
Network_14*-050 28 10,480 6,858 0 775 12,740 5,186 1 248 8,557    114,045,888,704.30
Network_14*-050 30 10,480 6,858 0 775 12,740 5,186 1 248 8,557    114,045,564,808.86
Network_14*-050 35 10,480 6,849 0 772 12,740 5,186 1 248 8,556    112,274,613,831.83
Network_14*-050 38 10,480 6,849 0 772 12,740 5,186 1 248 8,557    112,274,887,022.55
Network_14*-050 39 10,480 6,849 0 772 12,740 5,186 1 248 8,553    112,274,836,496.79
Network_14*-050 43 10,480 6,850 0 775 12,741 5,186 1 248 8,557    111,202,078,332.41
Network_14*-050 45 10,480 6,850 0 775 12,741 5,186 1 248 8,557    111,202,066,403.68
Network_14*-050 47 10,480 6,850 0 775 12,741 5,186 1 248 8,557    111,202,124,733.57
Network_14*-050 48 10,480 6,850 0 775 12,741 5,186 1 248 8,557    111,202,358,808.75
Network_14*-050 49 10,480 6,850 0 775 12,741 5,186 1 248 8,557    111,202,290,361.67
Network_20*-100 13 19,402 12,928 0 973 22,944 11,754 1 2,451 13,390    176,691,475,307.78
Network_20*-100 15 19,402 12,928 0 973 22,944 11,754 1 2,451 13,390    176,691,582,648.82
Network_20*-100 16 19,402 12,928 0 973 22,944 11,754 1 2,451 13,390    176,691,705,622.25
Network_20*-100 21 19,402 12,906 0 972 22,948 11,754 1 2,451 13,392    173,193,227,288.47
Network_20*-100 25 19,402 12,906 0 972 22,948 11,754 1 2,451 13,392    173,193,383,610.58
Network_20*-100 32 19,402 12,906 0 971 22,948 11,754 1 2,451 13,391    172,479,978,725.18
Network_20*-100 42 19,402 12,905 0 971 22,950 11,754 1 2,451 13,392    174,199,574,656.49
Network_20*-100 45 19,402 12,905 0 971 22,950 11,754 1 2,451 13,392    174,199,740,431.99
Network_20*-100 51 19,399 12,904 0 973 22,949 11,746 1 2,452 13,391    173,507,474,927.54
Network_20*-100 55 19,399 12,904 0 973 22,949 11,746 1 2,452 13,391    173,507,628,474.86
Network_20*-100 57 19,399 12,904 0 973 22,949 11,746 1 2,452 13,391    173,507,533,892.50
Network_20*-100 60 19,399 12,904 0 973 22,949 11,746 1 2,452 13,391    173,507,468,404.86
Network_20*-100 65 18,916 12,467 0 927 22,062 11,446 1 2,444 13,238    157,752,588,933.87
Network_20*-100 69 18,916 12,467 0 927 22,062 11,446 1 2,444 13,238    157,752,768,208.58
Network_20*-100 82 18,889 12,452 0 921 22,011 11,424 1 2,437 13,167    154,756,363,374.94
Network_20*-100 85 18,889 12,452 0 921 22,011 11,424 1 2,437 13,167    154,756,530,899.01
Network_20*-100 89 18,889 12,452 0 921 22,011 11,424 1 2,437 13,167    154,756,703,713.65
Network_20*-100 91 18,877 12,445 0 921 21,998 11,416 1 2,432 13,157    154,479,562,736.74
Network_20*-100 95 18,877 12,445 0 921 21,998 11,416 1 2,432 13,157    154,479,721,343.17
Network_20*-100 96 18,877 12,445 0 921 21,998 11,416 1 2,432 13,157    154,479,839,136.33
Network_25*-060 3 24,465 15,810 18,717 1,589 27,463 10,346 1 633 3,700    210,832,453,267.76
Network_25*-060 9 24,465 15,810 18,717 1,589 27,463 10,346 1 633 3,700    210,832,914,835.82
Network_25*-060 10 24,465 15,810 18,717 1,589 27,463 10,346 1 633 3,700    210,832,318,261.80
Network_25*-060 11 24,464 15,810 18,719 1,587 27,464 10,345 1 633 3,699    209,273,459,035.76
Network_25*-060 15 24,464 15,810 18,719 1,587 27,464 10,345 1 633 3,699    209,273,654,336.36
Network_25*-060 17 24,464 15,810 18,719 1,587 27,464 10,345 1 633 3,699    209,273,486,502.36
Network_25*-060 23 24,464 15,811 18,709 1,588 27,463 10,345 1 634 3,700    208,651,975,969.44
Network_25*-060 25 24,464 15,811 18,709 1,588 27,463 10,345 1 634 3,700    208,652,034,328.20
Network_25*-060 27 24,464 15,811 18,709 1,588 27,463 10,345 1 634 3,700    208,651,878,596.92
Network_25*-060 37 24,464 15,809 18,735 1,591 27,472 10,344 1 605 3,703    210,428,494,948.67
Network_25*-060 39 24,464 15,809 18,735 1,591 27,472 10,344 1 605 3,703    210,429,055,683.43
Network_25*-060 42 24,464 15,809 18,735 1,591 27,472 10,344 1 605 3,703    211,164,590,453.20
Network_25*-060 43 24,464 15,809 18,735 1,591 27,472 10,344 1 605 3,703    211,164,726,524.52
Network_25*-060 44 24,464 15,809 18,735 1,591 27,472 10,344 1 605 3,703    211,164,977,877.90
Network_25*-060 45 24,464 15,809 18,735 1,591 27,472 10,344 1 605 3,703    211,164,783,964.73
Network_25*-060 50 24,464 15,809 18,735 1,591 27,472 10,344 1 605 3,703    211,164,578,113.02
Network_25*-060 54 24,464 15,811 18,709 1,588 27,463 10,345 1 634 3,700    208,949,456,436.88
Network_25*-060 55 24,464 15,811 18,709 1,588 27,463 10,345 1 634 3,700    208,949,151,960.16
Network_25*-060 56 24,464 15,811 18,709 1,588 27,463 10,345 1 634 3,700    208,949,306,845.44
Network_25*-060 59 24,464 15,811 18,709 1,588 27,463 10,345 1 634 3,700    208,950,057,706.63
Network_30*-048 2 30,000 10,648 95 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 21,954    251,334,329,734.46
Network_30*-048 5 30,000 10,648 98 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 21,960    254,539,900,980.12
Network_30*-048 9 30,000 10,648 95 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 21,951    250,010,813,369.36
Network_30*-048 10 30,000 10,648 85 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,139 21,933    244,876,756,574.01
Network_30*-048 12 30,000 10,648 100 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 21,960    254,615,896,194.45
Network_30*-048 13 30,000 10,648 95 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 21,956    252,655,869,856.78
Network_30*-048 14 30,000 10,648 99 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 21,960    254,641,743,556.30
Network_30*-048 15 30,000 10,648 122 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,136 10,810    254,267,969,966.40
Network_30*-048 19 30,000 10,648 119 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,139 21,960    254,871,437,694.20
Network_30*-048 20 30,000 10,648 119 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,139 21,960    254,872,078,439.22
Network_30*-048 24 30,000 10,648 130 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 10,810    254,180,642,166.17
Network_30*-048 25 30,000 10,648 127 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 10,810    254,132,580,944.89
Network_30*-048 26 30,000 10,648 135 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 10,810    254,642,696,775.99
Network_30*-048 32 30,000 10,648 124 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 10,810    254,215,838,435.96
Network_30*-048 34 30,000 10,648 128 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 10,810    254,289,902,398.99
Network_30*-048 35 30,000 10,648 124 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 10,810    254,316,968,208.86
Network_30*-048 36 30,000 10,648 136 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 10,810    254,514,202,599.64
Network_30*-048 39 30,000 10,648 132 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 10,810    254,394,648,993.33
Network_30*-048 41 30,000 10,648 124 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 10,810    254,671,485,029.51
Network_30*-048 45 30,000 10,648 130 3,526 32,020 3,373 16 1,138 10,810    254,808,802,723.72


Initial Release:  September 27, 2019

This Trial 3 dataset contains two sets (Real-Time and Offline) of 30 scenarios, 5 for each of 6 networks.

Network Model Name Scenario Number Buses Contingencies
Network_09R-064 21 4,918 5,069
Network_09R-064 6 4,918 5,074
Network_09R-064 54 4,918 5,052
Network_09R-064 3 4,918 5,074
Network_09R-064 61 4,918 5,055
Network_11R-056-2 22 8,688 11,629
Network_11R-056-2 54 8,466 11,157
Network_11R-056-2 3 8,733 11,864
Network_11R-056-2 45 8,686 11,627
Network_11R-056-2 34 8,688 11,620
Network_13R-088 1 10,000 6,634
Network_13R-088 16 10,000 6,649
Network_13R-088 62 10,000 6,603
Network_13R-088 47 10,000 6,619
Network_13R-015 11 10,000 9,004
Network_15R-030 11 11,615 8,707
Network_15R-010 4 11,612 8,747
Network_15R-030 16 11,615 8,707
Network_15R-030 30 11,615 8,653
Network_15R-030 19 11,615 8,707
Network_20R-100 35 19,402 13,391
Network_20R-100 50 19,402 13,392
Network_20R-100 75 18,889 13,167
Network_20R-100 56 19,399 13,391
Network_20R-100 97 18,877 13,157
Network_30R-025 17 30,000 10,810
Network_30R-044 24 30,000 10,810
Network_30R-044 36 30,000 10,810
Network_30R-044 10 30,000 10,810
Network_30R-025 25 30,000 10,810


Initial Release:  August 20, 2019

This Trial 2 dataset contains two sets (Real-Time and Offline) of 140 scenarios, 10 for each of 14 networks.


Initial Trial 1 Real-Time Release:  May 21, 2019; Initial Trial 1 Offline Release: June 6, 2019

We recommend running (see Evaluation Source Code) on these datasets to identify problems.

This Trial 1 dataset contains two sets (Real-Time and Offline) of 39 scenarios, a subset of the 718 scenarios in the full Trial Event 1 dataset. This set was chosen by taking 3 scenarios (easier, medium, harder) from each of the 13 network models contained in Trial Event 1 dataset. (Real-time and Offline)

Here is an overview of the entire Trial 1 dataset:



Buses Generators  Loads Branches





Transformers Areas Fixed Shunts Switched Shunts Scenarios
1 500 90 200 468 349 422 131 1 0 17 40
2 500 224 281 540 784 786 193 1 5 39 60
3 793 210 568 769 86 97 143 1 49 50 50
5 2000 544 1125 2359 3139 3189 847 1 0 153 18
6 2000 384 1010 2743 2594 2618 896 3 32 141 50
7 2312 617 1529 2156 942 1014 857 18 121 201 122
70 2312 444 1529 2156 1008 1015 857 18 121 201 8
8 3013 865 1793 2836 1957 1968 1290 20 129 405 70
81 3288 379 4236 3421 4563 4650 1455 1 0 23 50
84 4601 408 3501 5135 7075 7094 2180 1 0 17 100
9 4918 1340 3070 4412 5058 5085 2315 31 246 486 70
12 9591 365 6659 10927 4377 4377 4988 1 0 122 30
13 10000 2089 3982 10819 9519 9622 2374 6 99 434 50
                    Total 718

The names of the Network Models available in this dataset are Network_01?-3, Network_02?-3, Network_03?-3, Network_05?-3, Network_06?-3, Network_07?-3, Network_70?-3, Network_08?-3, Network_81?-3, Network_84?-3, Network_09?-3, Network_12?-3, and Network_13?-3, where the question mark symbol (?) can be either R for real-time (used with Division 1 or 3) or O for offline (used with Division 2 or 4). The "-3" indicates the Network Model has 3 scenarios. One of these names must be used in selecting the Network Model parameter in submission.conf when making a submission with this dataset.


Download (68.4 MB) the 16 synthetic networks composed of 84 scenarios used in Challenge 2 Final Event. The 6 industry datasets, composed of 36 scenarios, will not be made publicly available.

The full Challenge 2 Final Event dataset consists of 22 networks and 120 scenarios.

Model Scenario MSpp Type Buses Loads Generators Lines Transformers Fixed
C2FEN00403 8 931,329 Industry 403 384 139 438 112 9 0 138 276
C2FEN00403 301 762,110 Industry 403 384 139 438 112 9 0 138 276
C2FEN00403 307 782,630 Industry 403 384 139 438 112 9 0 138 276
C2FEN00403 315 794,794 Industry 403 384 139 438 112 9 0 138 276
C2FEN00403 320 825,010 Industry 403 384 139 438 112 9 0 138 276
C2FEN00617 5 834,872 Synthetic 617 404 94 723 130 0 50 51 54
C2FEN00617 17 664,840 Synthetic 617 405 94 723 130 0 50 18 85
C2FEN00617 24 1,016,926 Synthetic 617 404 94 723 130 0 50 24 80
C2FEN00617 62 970,209 Synthetic 617 404 94 723 130 0 50 18 85
C2FEN00617 73 752,941 Synthetic 617 405 94 723 130 0 50 23 84
C2FEN02020 25 3,991,893 Synthetic 2020 1392 194 2318 538 0 98 42 250
C2FEN02020 121 6,231,581 Synthetic 2020 1392 194 2318 538 0 98 80 220
C2FEN02020 134 4,738,473 Synthetic 2020 1392 194 2318 538 0 98 66 234
C2FEN02020 260 5,855,728 Synthetic 2020 1392 194 2318 538 0 98 69 231
C2FEN02020 262 5,683,457 Synthetic 2020 1392 194 2318 538 0 98 80 220
C2FEN02312 3 5,470,569 Synthetic 2312 1435 479 2188 857 121 201 56 439
C2FEN02312 18 4,933,138 Synthetic 2312 1435 479 2187 857 121 201 52 439
C2FEN02312 21 4,517,098 Synthetic 2312 1435 479 2188 857 121 201 53 439
C2FEN02312 40 7,308,063 Synthetic 2312 1435 479 2193 857 121 201 70 439
C2FEN02312 44 5,979,268 Synthetic 2312 1435 479 2192 857 121 201 64 439
C2FEN03288 9 16,534,983 Synthetic 3288 3870 707 3577 1455 0 22 173 2052
C2FEN03288 29 9,198,385 Synthetic 3288 3871 707 3531 1447 0 22 129 2197
C2FEN03288 35 9,374,063 Synthetic 3288 3871 707 3536 1447 0 22 129 2197
C2FEN03288 41 10,061,767 Synthetic 3288 3872 706 3541 1447 0 22 128 2197
C2FEN03288 43 8,954,498 Synthetic 3288 3871 707 3553 1447 0 22 128 2197
C2FEN03411 205 15,622,772 Industry 3411 2959 969 3628 871 56 0 968 2220
C2FEN03411 305 13,882,054 Industry 3411 2959 969 3628 871 56 0 968 2220
C2FEN03411 309 14,267,049 Industry 3411 2959 969 3628 871 56 0 968 2220
C2FEN03411 311 14,592,579 Industry 3411 2959 969 3628 871 56 0 968 2220
C2FEN03411 314 14,573,501 Industry 3411 2959 969 3628 871 56 0 968 2220
C2FEN03593 1 7,061,666 Industry 3593 1355 602 2160 2004 0 370 79 421
C2FEN03593 2 6,647,611 Industry 3593 1355 602 2160 2004 0 370 79 421
C2FEN03593 7 6,964,681 Industry 3593 1355 602 2160 2004 0 370 79 421
C2FEN03593 9 6,820,275 Industry 3593 1355 602 2160 2004 0 370 80 420
C2FEN03593 10 7,648,611 Industry 3593 1355 602 2160 2004 0 370 80 420
C2FEN03593 16 7,024,493 Industry 3593 1355 602 2160 2004 0 370 79 421
C2FEN03593 20 7,206,276 Industry 3593 1355 602 2160 2004 0 370 79 421
C2FEN03970 22 53,845 Synthetic 3970 2744 391 4563 2138 0 13 196 1054
C2FEN03970 23 93,521 Synthetic 3970 2744 391 4572 2138 0 13 196 1054
C2FEN04200 9 4,337,640 Synthetic 4224 1673 399 2605 2325 0 436 12 443
C2FEN04200 10 4,594,847 Synthetic 4224 1673 399 2605 2325 0 436 12 443
C2FEN04200 14 4,318,340 Synthetic 4224 1673 399 2605 2325 0 436 12 443
C2FEN04200 55 5,364,933 Synthetic 4224 1673 399 2605 2325 0 436 12 443
C2FEN04200 56 5,654,390 Synthetic 4224 1673 399 2605 2325 0 436 12 443
C2FEN04200 57 5,718,338 Synthetic 4224 1673 399 2605 2325 0 436 12 443
C2FEN04200 60 5,289,093 Synthetic 4224 1673 399 2605 2325 0 436 12 443
C2FEN04601 105 3,401,780 Synthetic 4601 3369 408 5204 2180 0 17 204 3338
C2FEN04601 122 896,988 Synthetic 4601 3369 410 5215 2180 0 17 200 3338
C2FEN04601 127 893,679 Synthetic 4601 3369 410 5212 2180 0 17 200 3338
C2FEN06100 9 2,518,348 Synthetic 6049 3368 406 4920 3086 0 224 3 157
C2FEN06100 13 1,797,970 Synthetic 6049 3368 406 4920 3086 0 224 3 157
C2FEN06100 21 2,513,182 Synthetic 6049 3368 406 4920 3086 0 224 3 157
C2FEN06100 26 2,936,876 Synthetic 6103 3368 406 4980 3086 0 224 3 330
C2FEN06100 49 2,205,440 Synthetic 6179 3368 406 5050 3086 0 225 3 328
C2FEN06705 202 16,954,811 Industry 6705 5696 2042 7384 1578 77 0 2024 4555
C2FEN06705 304 14,086,925 Industry 6705 5696 2042 7384 1578 77 0 2024 4555
C2FEN06705 307 14,446,247 Industry 6705 5696 2042 7384 1578 77 0 2024 4555
C2FEN06705 308 14,434,436 Industry 6705 5696 2042 7384 1578 77 0 2024 4555
C2FEN06705 320 15,150,737 Industry 6705 5696 2042 7384 1578 77 0 2024 4555
C2FEN07000 10 6,947,756 Synthetic 6889 4625 609 4248 3619 1 211 0 390
C2FEN07000 11 9,180,035 Synthetic 6889 4625 609 4248 3619 1 211 0 390
C2FEN07000 13 9,335,143 Synthetic 6889 4625 609 4248 3619 1 211 0 390
C2FEN07000 16 9,353,303 Synthetic 6889 4625 609 4248 3619 1 211 0 390
C2FEN07000 22 7,039,088 Synthetic 6889 4625 609 4248 3619 1 211 0 390
C2FEN07000 23 9,315,403 Synthetic 6889 4625 609 4248 3619 1 211 0 390
C2FEN07000 41 9,167,052 Synthetic 6889 4625 609 4251 3619 1 211 0 390
C2FEN08300 3 21,022,001 Synthetic 8316 4457 813 7723 4249 6 1173 41 566
C2FEN08300 12 10,129,481 Synthetic 8316 4457 813 7723 4249 6 1173 41 566
C2FEN08300 13 10,298,867 Synthetic 8316 4457 813 7723 4249 6 1173 41 566
C2FEN08300 22 12,598,812 Synthetic 8316 4457 813 7723 4249 6 1173 41 566
C2FEN08300 43 10,447,931 Synthetic 8316 4457 813 7723 4249 6 1173 41 566
C2FEN08300 52 12,362,242 Synthetic 8316 4457 813 7723 4249 6 1173 41 566
C2FEN08300 166 12,553,239 Synthetic 8316 4460 813 7728 4249 6 1194 37 566
C2FEN08718 2 204,294 Synthetic 8718 5816 368 9991 4897 0 107 183 2318
C2FEN08718 6 142,945 Synthetic 8718 5816 368 9997 4897 0 107 183 2318
C2FEN08718 10 270,592 Synthetic 8718 5816 368 10007 4897 0 107 183 2318
C2FEN08718 11 381,832 Synthetic 8718 5816 368 9998 4897 0 107 183 2318
C2FEN08718 20 463,466 Synthetic 8718 5816 368 10003 4897 0 107 183 2318
C2FEN10480 4 372,127 Synthetic 10480 6871 777 12895 5816 0 248 389 3892
C2FEN10480 7 344,485 Synthetic 10480 6871 777 12889 5816 0 248 389 3892
C2FEN10480 8 446,398 Synthetic 10480 6871 777 12898 5816 0 248 389 3892
C2FEN10480 9 180,065 Synthetic 10480 6871 777 12907 5816 0 248 389 3892
C2FEN10480 17 368,421 Synthetic 10480 6871 782 12922 5816 0 248 391 3892
C2FEN12209 2 4,683,835 Synthetic 12209 6986 2009 13216 2184 0 724 2009 499
C2FEN12209 42 4,542,324 Synthetic 12209 6990 2009 13216 2184 0 724 0 1804
C2FEN12209 88 5,094,468 Synthetic 12209 6989 2009 13216 2184 0 724 0 1708
C2FEN12209 96 5,056,754 Synthetic 12209 6988 2009 13216 2184 0 724 2007 625
C2FEN12209 97 5,149,579 Synthetic 12209 6987 2009 13216 2184 0 724 2009 428
C2FEN16955 1 16,092,498 Industry 16955 9419 1868 16071 4675 72 1558 0 3803
C2FEN16955 2 15,876,228 Industry 16955 9419 1868 16071 4675 72 1558 0 3803
C2FEN16955 3 15,129,689 Industry 16955 9419 1868 16071 4675 72 1558 0 3803
C2FEN16955 4 14,712,065 Industry 16955 9419 1868 16071 4675 72 1558 0 3803
C2FEN16955 6 23,349,476 Industry 16955 9419 1868 16071 4675 72 1558 0 3803
C2FEN16955 7 22,653,213 Industry 16955 9419 1868 16071 4675 72 1558 0 3803
C2FEN16955 8 22,277,308 Industry 16955 9419 1868 16071 4675 72 1558 0 3803
C2FEN17700 19 8,477,450 Synthetic 16789 7846 1209 14724 8654 7 1723 15 223
C2FEN17700 20 8,577,388 Synthetic 16789 7846 1209 14724 8654 7 1723 15 223
C2FEN17700 21 8,460,435 Synthetic 16789 7846 1209 14724 8654 7 1723 15 223
C2FEN17700 89 8,758,945 Synthetic 16789 7846 1209 14724 8654 7 1723 15 223
C2FEN17700 94 8,736,097 Synthetic 16789 7846 1209 14724 8654 7 1723 15 223
C2FEN17700 106 8,664,844 Synthetic 16789 7846 1209 14724 8654 7 1723 15 223
C2FEN17700 107 8,459,550 Synthetic 16789 7846 1209 14724 8654 7 1723 15 223
C2FEN17700 115 10,008,362 Synthetic 16789 7846 1209 14724 8654 7 1723 15 223
C2FEN19402 6 152,989 Synthetic 19402 12744 968 23145 11754 0 2451 484 6209
C2FEN19402 10 275,971 Synthetic 19402 12744 968 23127 11754 0 2451 484 6209
C2FEN19402 69 712,739 Synthetic 18916 12286 927 22239 11446 0 2444 464 6156
C2FEN19402 77 155,651 Synthetic 18889 12273 921 22192 11424 0 2437 461 6123
C2FEN19402 95 203,325 Synthetic 18877 12267 921 22165 11416 0 2432 461 6118
C2FEN22700 1 64,572,122 Industry 22723 8369 4062 17859 10041 2 1558 100 900
C2FEN22700 2 67,705,837 Industry 22720 8319 4203 17859 10110 2 1633 100 900
C2FEN22700 3 46,067,275 Industry 22722 8340 4062 17859 10040 1 1486 100 900
C2FEN22700 4 55,828,011 Industry 22723 8369 4062 17859 10041 2 1558 100 900
C2FEN22700 5 62,970,971 Industry 22720 8319 4203 17859 10110 1 1632 100 900
C2FEN22700 6 65,561,149 Industry 22723 8369 4062 17859 10041 2 1558 100 900
C2FEN22700 7 60,326,886 Industry 22723 8369 4062 17859 10041 2 1558 99 894
C2FEN31777 11 126,234,555 Synthetic 31777 16578 4663 34715 6858 0 1995 200 1800
C2FEN31777 12 58,579,598 Synthetic 31777 16578 4663 34715 6858 0 1995 200 1800
C2FEN31777 15 120,042,011 Synthetic 31777 16578 4663 34715 6858 0 1995 200 1800
C2FEN31777 19 104,009,338 Synthetic 31777 16578 4663 34715 6858 0 1995 200 1800
C2FEN31777 51 110,829,998 Synthetic 31777 16578 4663 34715 6858 0 1995 200 1800

The  following synthetic datasets were developed for Challenge 2, but NOT USED.

They may be of interest for training purposes. (130 MB) Contains 171 scenarios. (104 MB) Includes C2FEN00617 (74 scenarios), C2FEN02020 (159 scenarios), C2FEN02312 (10 scenarios), C2FEN03288 (27 scenarios), and C2FEN04200 (170 scenarios). (111 MB) Contains 91 scenarios. (146 MB) Contains 109 scenarios. (256 MB) Includes C2FEN10480 (24 scenarios), C2FEN12209 (93 scenarios), and C2FEN19402 (63 scenarios). (101 MB) Contains 44 scenarios.


Download (43MB) the 11 synthetic networks composed of 54 scenarios used in Challenge 2 Trial Event 3 was released July 16, 2021. The 3 industry datasets, composed of 12 scenarios, will not be made publicly available.

Challenge 2 Trial 3 had 14 network models with a total of 66 scenarios (54 synthetic and 12 industry)

Model Scenario MSpp Type Buses Loads Generators Lines Transformers Fixed
C2T3N02020 6 1,694,150 Synthetic 2020 1392 194 2318 538 0 98 155 1833
C2T3N02020 9 1,905,789 Synthetic 2020 1392 194 2318 538 0 98 155 1833
C2T3N02020 13 2,464,576 Synthetic 2020 1392 194 2318 538 0 98 155 1833
C2T3N02020 207 2,268,094 Synthetic 2020 1392 194 2318 538 0 98 155 1833
C2T3N02020 222 1,955,735 Synthetic 2020 1392 194 2318 538 0 98 155 1833
C2T3N03022 122 114,467,086 Synthetic 3022 1625 730 2959 1297 129 399 118 857
C2T3N03022 162 66,986,776 Synthetic 3022 1625 730 2964 1297 129 399 91 857
C2T3N03022 292 122,680,195 Synthetic 3022 1625 730 2965 1297 129 399 126 857
C2T3N03022 362 86,258,974 Synthetic 3022 1625 730 2958 1297 129 399 99 857
C2T3N03022 812 93,842,332 Synthetic 3022 1625 730 2854 1297 129 399 109 857
C2T3N03593 2 6,647,611 Industry 3593 1355 602 2160 2004 0 370 79 421
C2T3N03593 5 7,070,007 Industry 3593 1355 602 2160 2004 0 370 79 421
C2T3N03593 9 6,820,275 Industry 3593 1355 602 2160 2004 0 370 80 420
C2T3N03593 10 7,648,611 Industry 3593 1355 602 2160 2004 0 370 80 420
C2T3N03593 22 7,206,288 Industry 3593 1355 602 2160 2004 0 370 79 421
C2T3N04200 9 1,954,615 Synthetic 4224 1673 399 2605 2325 0 436 12 443
C2T3N04200 16 1,382,473 Synthetic 4224 1673 399 2605 2325 0 436 12 443
C2T3N04200 28 197,167 Synthetic 4224 1673 399 2605 2325 0 436 13 448
C2T3N04200 59 509,943 Synthetic 4258 1673 399 2639 2325 0 436 12 447
C2T3N04200 83 598,308 Synthetic 4258 1674 399 2639 2325 0 436 12 438
C2T3N04917 72 143,925,579 Synthetic 4917 2821 1495 4646 2314 243 482 229 2309
C2T3N04917 112 207,390,092 Synthetic 4917 2821 1495 4675 2314 243 482 232 2309
C2T3N04917 132 159,038,251 Synthetic 4917 2821 1495 4649 2314 243 482 232 2309
C2T3N04917 192 136,392,228 Synthetic 4917 2821 1495 4660 2314 243 482 229 2309
C2T3N04917 602 173,741,598 Synthetic 4917 2821 1495 4415 2314 243 482 231 2309
C2T3N06100 14 787,115 Synthetic 6049 3368 406 4923 3086 0 224 2 371
C2T3N06100 39 -32,449 Synthetic 6179 3368 406 5050 3086 0 225 3 328
C2T3N06100 101 472,148 Synthetic 6103 3368 406 4980 3086 0 224 3 330
C2T3N06100 112 719,898 Synthetic 6476 3371 406 5337 3086 0 231 3 2464
C2T3N06100 115 968,240 Synthetic 6476 3371 406 5337 3086 0 231 3 2464
C2T3N07000 11 383,856 Synthetic 6867 4618 609 4199 3618 0 161 11 371
C2T3N07000 20 628,475 Synthetic 6888 4618 609 4236 3619 1 211 11 382
C2T3N07000 56 1,005,590 Synthetic 6889 4625 609 4246 3619 1 211 11 380
C2T3N07000 60 776,437 Synthetic 6889 4625 609 4246 3619 1 211 11 382
C2T3N07000 65 -20,974 Synthetic 7117 4625 609 4456 3620 0 206 23 378
C2T3N08300 27 2,655,913 Synthetic 8316 4456 813 7707 4249 7 1171 40 585
C2T3N08300 32 2,960,989 Synthetic 8316 4456 813 7707 4249 7 1171 40 585
C2T3N08300 34 -33,145 Synthetic 8316 4456 813 7707 4249 7 1171 40 585
C2T3N08300 52 3,080,056 Synthetic 8318 4458 813 7710 4238 7 1171 40 584
C2T3N08300 91 3,709,973 Synthetic 8318 4459 813 7711 4236 7 1171 40 583
C2T3N10000 502 7,023,401 Synthetic 10000 3984 2089 10919 2374 66 500 655 3801
C2T3N10000 510 8,354,098 Synthetic 10000 3984 2089 10913 2374 83 500 702 3801
C2T3N10000 602 15,319,149 Synthetic 10000 3982 2089 10971 2374 99 433 1010 3801
C2T3N10000 713 8,909,399 Synthetic 10000 3984 2089 10958 2374 74 483 1013 2293
C2T3N10000 723 9,002,527 Synthetic 10000 3984 2089 10950 2374 77 483 1021 2293
C2T3N12209 6 4,210,669 Synthetic 12209 6990 2009 13216 2184 0 723 0 1023
C2T3N12209 14 4,596,546 Synthetic 12209 6987 2009 13216 2184 0 724 1 1013
C2T3N12209 27 4,808,542 Synthetic 12209 6988 2009 13216 2184 0 724 0 1586
C2T3N12209 32 5,189,855 Synthetic 12209 6991 2009 13216 2184 0 724 0 1589
C2T3N12209 63 4,554,434 Synthetic 12209 6989 2009 13216 2184 0 724 0 1762
C2T3N16955 5 11,942,335 Industry 16955 9419 1868 16071 4675 72 1558 0 3803
C2T3N16955 6 11,719,434 Industry 16955 9419 1868 16071 4675 72 1558 0 3803
C2T3N22700 2 67,705,837 Industry 22720 8319 4203 17859 10110 2 1633 100 900
C2T3N22700 3 46,067,275 Industry 22722 8340 4062 17859 10040 1 1486 100 900
C2T3N22700 4 55,828,011 Industry 22723 8369 4062 17859 10041 2 1558 100 900
C2T3N22700 7 60,326,886 Industry 22723 8369 4062 17859 10041 2 1558 99 894
C2T3N22700 8 44,912,670 Industry 22722 8339 4062 17859 10040 1 1486 100 900
C2T3N30000 631 9,548,670 Synthetic 30000 10648 3526 32211 3373 136 1138 1763 3642
C2T3N30000 635 7,052,459 Synthetic 30000 10648 3526 32235 3373 115 1138 1763 3642
C2T3N30000 714 6,195,537 Synthetic 30000 10648 3526 32222 3373 99 1138 1763 9217
C2T3N30000 724 7,533,649 Synthetic 30000 10648 3526 32233 3373 130 1138 1763 3642
C2T3N30000 740 8,008,640 Synthetic 30000 10648 3526 32208 3373 131 1138 1763 3642
C2T3N31777 3 124,030,158 Synthetic 31777 16572 4663 34713 6858 0 1996 121 1162
C2T3N31777 8 170,308,897 Synthetic 31777 16572 4663 34713 6858 0 1996 128 1102
C2T3N31777 10 169,149,348 Synthetic 31777 16572 4663 34713 6858 0 1996 101 1133
C2T3N31777 12 168,723,423 Synthetic 31777 16572 4663 34713 6858 0 1996 119 1165

Note that 3 scenarios (highlighted above) have negative values for MSpp. This was allowed because the base contribution from the prior operating point was positive and only the contingency part was negative.

Follow the link for C2T3N06100/115 to see a diagram of the network in Dan Bienstock's talk at the 2022 FERC Software Conference


Download (47 MB) the 13 synthetic networks composed of 54 scenarios used in Challenge 2 Trial Event 2 was released May 20, 2021. The 4 industry datasets, composed of 14 scenarios, will not be made publicly available.

Model Scenario MSpp Type   Buses Loads Fixed
Generators Nontransformer
Contingencies Branches Generator
C2T2N00617 185 1,004,392 Synthetic   617 405 0 94 723 130 53 50 108 853 15 93
C2T2N00617 203 1,342,314 Synthetic   617 404 0 94 723 130 53 50 102 853 14 88
C2T2N00617 311 1,014,008 Synthetic   617 404 0 94 723 130 53 50 108 853 9 99
C2T2N00617 420 1,116,223 Synthetic   617 405 0 94 723 130 53 50 139 853 0 139
C2T2N00617 464 1,101,306 Synthetic   617 405 0 94 723 130 53 50 104 853 68 36
C2T2N01737 51 212,452,148 Industry   1737 1584 53 397 1846 504 7 0 1565 2350 397 1168
C2T2N01737 151 195,660,751 Industry   1737 1584 53 397 1846 504 7 0 1565 2350 397 1168
C2T2N01737 181 204,293,198 Industry   1737 1584 53 397 1846 504 7 0 1565 2350 397 1168
C2T2N02020 5 1,708,829 Synthetic   2020 1392 0 194 2318 538 53 98 1988 2856 155 1833
C2T2N02020 59 2,207,928 Synthetic   2020 1392 0 194 2318 538 53 98 1988 2856 155 1833
C2T2N02020 85 2,208,707 Synthetic   2020 1392 0 194 2318 538 53 98 1988 2856 155 1833
C2T2N02020 182 3,228,823 Synthetic   2020 1392 0 194 2318 538 53 98 1988 2856 155 1833
C2T2N02020 208 3,317,783 Synthetic   2020 1392 0 194 2318 538 53 98 1988 2856 155 1833
C2T2N03022 261 211,162,297 Synthetic   3022 1793 129 730 2850 1297 0 401 985 4147 128 857
C2T2N03022 361 97,730,419 Synthetic   3022 1793 129 730 2844 1297 0 401 952 4141 95 857
C2T2N03022 641 80,039,206 Synthetic   3022 1793 129 730 2848 1297 0 401 952 4145 95 857
C2T2N03022 781 99,783,440 Synthetic   3022 1793 129 730 2850 1297 0 401 970 4147 113 857
C2T2N03593 21 11,294,527 Industry   3593 1355 0 602 2160 2004 53 370 489 4164    
C2T2N04200 1 1,421,859 Synthetic   4224 1673 0 399 2605 2325 46 436 461 4930 13 448
C2T2N04200 12 1,487,467 Synthetic   4224 1673 0 399 2605 2325 46 436 455 4930 12 443
C2T2N04200 35 303,411 Synthetic   4224 1673 0 399 2605 2325 46 436 461 4930 13 448
C2T2N04200 75 733,040 Synthetic   4258 1673 0 399 2639 2325 46 436 459 4964 12 447
C2T2N04200 85 3,745,483 Synthetic   4258 1674 0 399 2639 2325 46 436 450 4964 12 438
C2T2N04917 1 292,337,915 Synthetic   4917 3070 243 1495 4419 2314 0 482 2539 6733 230 2309
C2T2N04917 81 245,371,507 Synthetic   4917 3070 243 1495 4416 2314 0 482