These leaderboards are a proving ground for the Challenge 1 lowest-cost scoring process. The datasets available for submission are adaptations of the small datasets used in the Beta phase of the competition; they will not be used in any way by Challenge 1. They are, however, useful in debugging the Challenge 1 process. Feel free to make submissions using these five datasets (IEEE-14, modified IEEE-14, RTS96, modified RTS96, and Beta Original Dataset) to debug your own code. The results have no bearing on any aspect of Challenge 1.

IEEE 14 (100 Scenarios)

There are no submissions submitted for this dataset at this time.

Modified IEEE 14 (100 Scenarios)

There are no submissions submitted for this dataset at this time.

RTS96 (100 Scenarios)

There are no submissions submitted for this dataset at this time.

Modified RTS96 (100 Scenarios)

There are no submissions submitted for this dataset at this time.

Original (2 models, 105 Scenarios)

There are no submissions submitted for this dataset at this time.